Christmas holidays approach the finish line, and we're back in the ranks with fresh news and material from the world of PHP.
Happy reading!
News and Releases
- Adopted PSR-3 - Adopted standards governing single interface view logs for PHP applications. A little personal thoughts and criticism on the subject.
- Yii 1/1/13 - Just before the New Year saw the light of recent version of the framework. Major changes did not bring release, but, nevertheless, the list of changes includes about 70 improvements and 50 bug fixes. A full list can be viewed here .
- 10th issue of the journal Web & PHP - In issue cover the following topics: 5 deadly sins programmer; Indexing in databases 10 facts about social media for business, and others.
- Codeception 5/1 - Major release is a great tool for testing, which includes a number of interesting possibilities. One of which - the generation of reports on code coverage. Besides new Redis and MongoDb modules improve UX and many bug fixes.
- Symfony 2.2 Beta 1 - Also published was a first beta version for Symfony 2.2. Beta release marks the end of the design phase, that is, the new features will not be added except for support PSR-3 and adding a few more pool-nesmerzhennyh rekvest. The final release is expected by the end of February. Read more about the new features can be read here , here and here .
- Getting rid of the duplication through code in PHP: code refactoring to AOP
- Excellent habrapost in which the author examines the problem of duplication through code. Leads classical solutions to the problems in OOP style, pointing out the pros and cons of each approach. Followed by a detailed example of common tasks (logging and caching) by refactoring the code in style with an aspect library Go! AOP .
- Multitasking on PHP - excellent video presentation that disclosed subject multitasking in PHP for common tasks, such as batch processing or creation of demons. The author speaks about the basic concepts of multitasking systems: compares the processes and threads, forking, race conditions, semaphores and mutexes.
- 2012: Year in PHP - In the last issue we reviewed the most significant events in the world of PHP for the year 2012. Such a review done and author of the post, besides highlighting the events as the directions of development, is designated for the year. The author also makes assumptions concerning this already in 2013, predicting improvement in DiC and increased use of BDD C by PHPSpec and Behat. Also a small discussion with interesting predictions for 2013 for PHP is available on reddit.
- PHP applications and PaaS - The post author briefly examines three major, in his opinion, a provider of market PaaS solutions for PHP, namely Engine Yard / Orchestra, PagodaBox and AppFog. The latter's more interested in the rest, and he gave details about the registration process, creating and configuring applications on it.
Training materials
- Create a search engine for PHP - Good post 5 part of creating your own search engine in pure PHP. The source code of your access to GitHub .
- My first script for solving a captcha
- In between the lunch break Russian Post intrigues honest developers as additional security features. In the post, the author talks about a personal experience in the captcha PHP.
- What's new in Laravel 4 - The question of when will version 4 is probably one of the most frequently asked questions about Laravel. And, unfortunately, the specific answer to this is no - will be released when it is ready. In the current stage of the form in which the framework can be described as something between a pre-beta and beta. But feel by the release can now. And in the post, the author tells about some of the new features and enhancements Laravel 4.
- Why do some PHP developers like static API? - There are 10 types of developers: those who are in love with static methods, because they are easy to use, and those who believe that the devil invented them to experience devotion right programming. The author shares his experience and explains why some developers ignore the best practices and use too much of static methods.
- Programming with Anthony - Dependency Injection - A series of training videos from the maestro Anthony Ferrara. This time it will be about Dependency Injection. The entire series is available here .
- Use SSH and SFTP for PHP - A detailed tutorial on using SSH and SFTP in PHP applications using the library ssh2 . Examples are included.
- Composer and versions - a small post on the use of a great tool for managing dependencies on PHP, in which the author gives advice on the correct indication of versions and branches.
- Need tests ... but it is too early - In the post the author reflects on the need to test the code. And if you are still working on the implementation details and find out if you can get the desired result, it is possible that there is no need to test that, however, is obvious.
- Thoughts on the directory structure - In his article the author says that the default directory structure in ZF2, which can be observed everywhere, it is only a recommendation. It is not necessary to go on with this approach, if it is clear that a different structure for your application would be best. The author cites the example and recommendations for changing the directory structure.
- Caching Entity Doctrine with Couchbase - A detailed tutorial in which the author, in fact, shows how to use Couchbase as a cache for entities Doctrine.
- Use several connections to a PDO in a Symfony2 DIC - "A short note in which the author first shows the usual way to configure multiple connections to a file in the" parameters.yml ". The author demonstrates a more advanced approach, configuring the connection to a separate file and creating a class Db, which allows you to get a fully configured and ready to use PDO objects from the container.
- 13 things that users hate the documentation of your open source project - Almost every programmer has a code that he would like to share or have shared with the community. However, how this code will be useful to other developers, largely depends on the quality of the documentation. In article contains errors that are most often allow developers to document their own work.
- Why FastCGI with Nginx so much faster with Apache mod_php? - In his post, the author makes some tests on "hello world" application and tries to understand why Nginx faster Apache. His research has shown that a significant performance hit Apache does file processing. Htaccess, but disabling it (AllowOverride None) changes the situation and Apache outperforms Nginx.
- Twitter clone for PHP , 2 - A couple of tutorials that detail how to create a full clone of Twitter from scratch. demo and full source code is also available.
- It was evening, echo «There was nothing" - In previous editions of the digest were references to experiments in which the authors write PHP script without using the numeric and alphabetic characters. This time we have the continuation of experiments habrapost and description PHP functions without using the characters a-zA-Z0-9 <>?.
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