The last of the New Year holidays, but not the last in this series of articles on internal jQuery. Past
was a very fast and small, but the interest habrazhiteley to the
subject, according to the survey "should I go on?" which hang in every
post for some time after its creation not lost.
Topic for today's post is big enough and I will talk about it more interesting and not too shallow. We now consider a method attr , Prop and Data .
The last of these - the most interesting and we postpone it for last.
All three functions are working through the service access .
This feature resembles
For a start, the function checked our arguments, and if - the object, it will be "deployed" and each key
Next to each item in our jQuery-object is called callback for the current key and value. As the example above, the functions in the value are also supported
in this situation, the callback will be determined in the specified
function to be called in the context of the element in the settings to
get her number and the current value of the specified attribute.
The first thing the function checks the type of the element , so cut off trying to get or set the attribute in
Next there is a check on the existence of a function with a given key name in
Do not recommend doing so with
If the item does not exist at this method as
If the attribute value is passed to the function and is equal to
Further attribute is set with the corresponding hook (if it exists) or conventional
Linger on this function will not, because it works much the same as
Hooks to
Thing may be convenient, but not documented. Do not use it without extreme need.
In this case, an additional hook and will set the properties of
There's also a set of
To begin with, you Big mistaken if you think that jQuery knows something of such a thing as a dataset , which came to us along with HTML5. No idea, it is not used anywhere in the library, all done by hand. However, the properties specified by
Casually mention that in jQuery 1.8.3
Neymspeysy in events not going away and we will definitely consider in the future.
JQuery cache in use not only
Remember briefly mentioned
What is interesting, the cache with the data for the node is not set right within the library and in this case will not have to worry about cleaning. This internal object cache simultaneously given an empty method toJSON , so he did not get in the output when serialized in JSON:
All the keys for
To record from a key library first tries to allocate the namespace (that after a point), for use later in the call to the event, which we have mentioned above.
Then, through the same
To record multiple data at the object for each key-value twitches
Reading element also passes through
In this case, the key antikemeliziruetsya (uh what is the word, but the point is that testMe will be transformed into test-me) and it is trying to be obtained by the value of the corresponding data-attribute (data-test-me for an example of the previous brackets) and, if is found, it is parsed. If the value -
Getting the entire set of data again separated from
Topic for today's post is big enough and I will talk about it more interesting and not too shallow. We now consider a method attr , Prop and Data .
The last of these - the most interesting and we postpone it for last.
All three functions are working through the service access .
This feature resembles
from the previous chapter and is necessary for the preparation of
arguments passed to the function, and then - to perform the specified
callback'a. In our case, this callback - just those functions that will operate with the attributes, properties, and data. For a start, the function checked our arguments, and if - the object, it will be "deployed" and each key
will be called separately. Metaphorically, these two options - the same:
Attributes and Properties
The first thing the function checks the type of the element , so cut off trying to get or set the attribute in
. Next there is a check on the existence of a function with a given key name in
, but this check is triggered only when a call jQuery.attr
from init
. The first article was an example on this subject and I promised to talk about it yet. So, the code on the left will be "deployed" in the code on the right:
simply because it is not very nice. However, it is possible for any function that we can find in jQuery.fn
. In this case, attr
will feature text and appendTo and call them instead cont. their work. If the item does not exist at this method as
, it will be called jQuery.prop
with the same key and value. This case is quite narrow and is manifested, according to bug reports , only in old IE at work than with HTML, and with XML-document, which comes from the ajax-request, for example. If the attribute value is passed to the function and is equal to
, will be called jQuery.removeAttr , which will remove the attribute (or attributes if they have been listed by a space) and put the Harmonised boolean-property, if any, in the value of false
. Further attribute is set with the corresponding hook (if it exists) or conventional
, or will be received by hook or getAttribute
. jQuery.fn.prop
Linger on this function will not, because it works much the same as
, only sets the element properties directly and simultaneously normalize the names of properties. Normalization is a service object jQuery.propFix
, which, again, is not documented and is not advisable to use it, however: jQuery.propFix.validMsg = 'validationMessage'; // результаты будут равны $('input:first').prop('validMsg') === $('input:first').prop('validationMessage');
Hooks to
( jQuery.attrHooks
) and prop
( jQuery.propHooks
) - these are ordinary objects that can be a feature set
and / or get
. They were engaged in the task and have a certain value. On the example will be more clear: <span class="user user-male">Игорь</span> <span class="user user-male">Дарья</span><!-- male - намеренно !--> <script src=""></script> <script> var SEX_MALE = 0, SEX_FEMALE = 1, sexClassesMap = { 'user-male': SEX_MALE, 'user-female': SEX_FEMALE }; jQuery.propHooks.usersex = { get: function(elem) { var elementClasses = elem.className.split(/\s+/), i = elementClasses.length; for (; i > 0; i--) { if ('undefined' !== typeof sexClassesMap[elementClasses[i]]) { return sexClassesMap[elementClasses[i]]; } } }, set: function(elem, value) { var $element = $(elem), i; for (className in sexClassesMap) { $element.toggleClass( className, sexClassesMap[className] === value ); } } } // пройдет через хук и вернет male if (SEX_MALE === $('.user:first').prop('userSex')) { console.log('первый - мужчина!'); } // а так мы - можем поменять $('.user:last').prop('userSex', SEX_FEMALE); </script>
Thing may be convenient, but not documented. Do not use it without extreme need.
is an interesting set of hooks boolHook , it is automatically applied to all pre-defined boolean attributes . He needed to do this: > $('<input>').attr('disabled', true) [<input disabled="disabled">]
In this case, an additional hook and will set the properties of
to true
. There's also a set of
, but this kind of a set of crutches, which is replenished during the
initialization of jQuery, in tests of the browser (for example, here .) In modern browsers, it is empty. Data
To begin with, you Big mistaken if you think that jQuery knows something of such a thing as a dataset , which came to us along with HTML5. No idea, it is not used anywhere in the library, all done by hand. However, the properties specified by
available through
(only if it is not an object). But if some of the jQuery set through
, available through the dataset
, it will not be, because the library all the set value is stored in its cache. All in good time, and even divide head slightly. namespace
Casually mention that in jQuery 1.8.3
can work with so-called namespace for the data. This possibility has been marked as deprecated in 1.7, and in 1.9 it's gone completely. So if you use something, then I have bad news for you: $('sometag').on('changeData.users', function(e) { console.dir(e); } ); // бабах, тут мы увидим, что обработчик события выполнился $('sometag').data('id.users', 10); // а вот тут - данные зададутся, а тот обработчик уже не вызовется $('sometag').data( { 'id.users': 10 } );
Neymspeysy in events not going away and we will definitely consider in the future.
does not work with anything that moves, but only to what is being tested function acceptData . Only nodes without embed
, applet
, or object
(in this case, with the exception of Flash, the definition is on the classid
). jQuery.cache
JQuery cache in use not only
. In our case, the data in the cache item gets something when you set some value to some key. Object jQuery.cache
is a standard numbered object, where key - value expando
-element attribute. jQuery.expando
- unique identifier determined randomly initialize the library. As soon as we want to write something in the cache, the element stands out for his number (increment global counter jQuery.guid
) in the cache, which is stored in a property element. At the appropriate number element cache in section «data» will be placed the value itself. On the example will be more clear: var $span = $('<span>'), spanElement = $span[0]; // уникальный идентификатор, после рефреша страницы будет уже другим console.log(jQuery.expando); // jQuery18302642508496064693 console.log(spanElement[jQuery.expando]); // undefined // задаем данные по ключу id $'id', 10); console.log(spanElement[jQuery.expando]); // 1 console.dir(jQuery.cache[1]); /* Object { data: Object { id: 10 } } */ $span.remove(); console.dir(jQuery.cache[1]); // undefined console.dir(jQuery.deletedIds); // [ 1 ]
Remember briefly mentioned
in the previous article? It just cleans the cache by deleting elements, and the deleted sequence number resets to jQuery.deletedIds
, to then take the next number from there instead of generating a new one. What is interesting, the cache with the data for the node is not set right within the library and in this case will not have to worry about cleaning. This internal object cache simultaneously given an empty method toJSON , so he did not get in the output when serialized in JSON:
var $strangeObject = $( { 'test': 123 } ), strangeObject = $strangeObject[0]; $'id', 10); console.dir(strangeObject); /* Object { jQuery18309172190900426358: Object { data: Object { id: 10 } toJSON: function () {} } test: 123 } */ console.log(JSON.stringify(strangeObject, null, 4)); /* { "test": 123 } */
All the keys for
converted to camelCase as reading and writing to (by the way, dataset
that can not boast, for the keys to the dash it will complain): $('<span>').data('test-me', 10).data('testMe') // 10 $('<span>').data('testMe', 10).data('test-me') // 10
Write data
To record from a key library first tries to allocate the namespace (that after a point), for use later in the call to the event, which we have mentioned above.
Then, through the same
(recall the value from support functions, etc.) is trying to call an event handler setData
to the item record data in the cache
(generally - just a sheet to work with keshom, on which we
have already learned a little above) and is trying to call an event
handler changeData
. To record multiple data at the object for each key-value twitches
, then there is a record, bypassing accessData
and recall of the events that most likely a bug in the library (must call yourself,
). Mend nothing, 1.9 rewrote this piece. Reading
Reading element also passes through
. First the data library is trying to find the cache, and if not found, it tries to find a data-element attribute that might have had to be set manually. In this case, the key antikemeliziruetsya (uh what is the word, but the point is that testMe will be transformed into test-me) and it is trying to be obtained by the value of the corresponding data-attribute (data-test-me for an example of the previous brackets) and, if is found, it is parsed. If the value -
or boolean, then it will be converted to the native (non-string), but
if the attribute value begins with an open brace, the library will try to call jQuery.jsonParse . Please note that long (more than 20 characters) may return as a number, and as a line (thanks for the tip Silver_Clash ), in the event that, after the conversion to a number and back to the comparison with the original will not be passed. The resulting value will be written into the cache and returned to the developer. Getting the entire set of data again separated from
and, again, will not cause the event handler getData
In this case, you receive all of the cache plus the library will run on
all the attributes of an element, whose name begins with the «data-»
and just write it in the cache itself, simultaneously exposing the cache
box parsedAttrs
, to receive the next full re all attributes not disassemble. Conclusion
should consider a separate article on the attributes and properties, but then the article on them would have been quite small. And so - the thing is, to begin his first day of work after a long weekend. I like to get the article, so it happened that I was terribly interested in such kovyryatya. I hope, like you, too.
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