Ringing the January blizzard: sites that are worth a look for the New Year

mardi 22 janvier 2013

Sad and bored at Christmas and New Year - is the last thing. So if you have not imbued with the spirit of the New Year, it's time to relax and go over the holiday sites

Some Web services are relevant only a few days a year. Moreover, there are holiday sites, which are not for profit. What motivates people to create similar projects? Yes, just the desire to raise a different mood.
Approximation of the New Year is noticeable not only in turn to the stores that are increasing by the day. The fact that the festival will soon remind even the most ordinary Web pages popular sites that stashed surprises. For example, if you enter the query "christmas tree" in the search for Google, then the upper part of the page is decorated with beads.
And if you go to the start page "Yandex.Mail," you can not only admire the balls, but they play a Christmas tune. Music for all the most popular holiday songs already selected employees "Yandex", therefore, to listen to the "Little cold in winter fur-tree" or "born in the forest Tree", it remains only to press the right buttons on the keypad. And you can not do even that, just click on the play button and listen to the music of Christmas balls.
Virtual snowflakes
New Year - is not just a holiday, feast and gifts. It is also a very nice tradition of decorating the house. Christmas toys, garlands, streamers, and of course, snowflakes. Cutting the last of a folded sheet of paper - a very exciting and unpredictable task. If you have a desire to "remember the golden childhood" and create your masterpiece, you can do it virtually.
Authors Services Snowflakeworkshop very well managed to convey the festive atmosphere of winter celebrations. The process of creating snowflakes as close to this: the screen shows the table, folded several times a sheet of paper, a pencil, scissors and eraser. Take a pencil, indicates the area that will be cut. If somewhere in something wrong - it does not matter erase eraser and start all over again. Then take a pair of scissors and make "snip, snip." Followed by animation, fly cutting, and - voila! - We can see his creation in expanded form. If the substrate by snowflakes overcomplicated layouts, service will report that snowflake failed, and propose a new, easier to design. All this is happening under the hilarious musical accompaniment to the Christmas theme. In the gallery of the project can be found at the falling snowflakes, cut by the resource.
The next snowflake generator called Make-A-Flake . It is constructed in a different way than the previous one. Here you need to literally "steer" scissors, directing them to the paper in the right direction. The result of "creative research" can be saved in JPG. The designer also provides a command to export in vector format EPS, but at the time of writing this review for some reason it did not work.
Snowflake cut out using online project Snowdays , eventually combined into a snowfall. Each snowflake in this "storm" is fraught with surprise. Just move to one of them, and the message from its creator, with reference to their geographical location. If the author of snowflakes selecting the appropriate option in the settings designer, he can answer - your comment will come to him in the mail. By the way, you can make snowflakes created by friends as a greeting card.
The principle is similar to the previous design of online services, with the exception that the final form of snowflakes visible at once, before the completion of work. It is much easier to create a pattern, but also deprives the effect of surprise, when, expanding the paper, you see some recognizable contours of such a funny mug.
It must be said that the process of cutting out snowflakes, many users come very, very seriously. Some of the snowflakes flying across the screen - a masterpiece, and their creation is likely to have spent a lot of time.
Service is very fascinating, and many of the visitors do not go away from him, leaving behind a pair or two of snowflakes. All, at the time of writing, the site was almost eleven and a half millions of snowflakes. And just for the time we wrote about it, users had to cut Snowdays with three dozen of different snowflakes.
If you think that cutting snowflakes - child labor, you are deeply mistaken. Take a look, for example, here on this page , and you will see that creating paper snowflakes - is an art. Joke - to design the snowflakes with recognizable features characters from the cult film "Star Wars"! Yes, and to show the world not only ready to snowflakes, and and instructions for carving. In general, if you want and your windows were covered with such original decorations, download the layout, print, fold, cut the pattern and enjoy the result.
Tracking Santa: deer on the radar
What relation can have command of the aerospace defense of North America for the celebration of Christmas? But is this: in 1955, in Colorado Springs, U.S. International Trade Network has placed in the print advertisement with its recognizable portrait, and phone number where kids can call and talk to a "real" Santa. But the incident happened - in the preparation of the layout was made an unfortunate error in the phone number. Typing it, children get to the hot line air defense of North America. While in the service of atonement Operation Commander, Colonel Harry Shoup (Harry Shoup). Quickly assessing the situation, the officer ordered his players to inform children about how to move Santa around the world.
After three years at the same location housed Command aerospace defense of North America and it was decided to continue to "accompany" Santa Claus every year. Of course, all this is done on a voluntary basis, but the lack of those willing to participate in this event no. Even the highest-ranking military officials allow themselves to this day to join the team of Santa helpers.
C rise of the Internet organization NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) has developed a website where anyone can find out how many gifts Santa Claus brought children and in which cities he visited. And on Christmas, when he circled over, you can keep track of his movements in real time. Technical partner NORAD - Bing maps from Microsoft. On them in the form of gifts states visited by Santa. By clicking on the present, you can get information about the city, and for some sites available video where Santa Claus flying over them in his sleigh pulled by reindeer. The site can also find a map of the village of Santa Claus at the North Pole, which are hidden games, and various facts about the New wizard.
Note also that in the past years on the site to display the NORAD Santa displacement maps used Google, but this year the organization changed its partner. However, Google could not stay away from tracking Santa Claus, and therefore launched its own website .
However, in contrast to noradsanta.org , it does not work all year round, just before Christmas, so now it is only a splash screen with information about what Santa is resting.
New Year's Eve online
Santa Claus has made his annual flying around our planet, but the celebration of the New Year ahead. As it will be celebrated in different parts of the world, will be seen in a special section of the site EarthCam . This resource collected thousands of webcams from around the world, and on New Year's page in real time will be used to send images from Times Square in New York and other cities, where people gather to celebrate the New Year. For those who want to watch the celebration from your mobile device, the creators of the site also offers an application for iPhone, though paid.
And how will celebrate the New Year Santa Claus himself, can be seen on his official website . Perm is the second consecutive year, the office operates Santa Claus, Christmas and a live broadcast of the production - one of its projects. I promise that, except for the main New wizard will participate in the show Immortal Koschei and Baba Yaga. And with Santa Claus will be online to chat. Home - December 30, 2012 at 19 o'clock.
Next year will probably be good. In it is to be believed, or just wait for Christmas meaning is lost. Celebrate New Year's weekend to complete. In the new year health sub-rule, finally zavedutsya money, people will be better. We are all waiting for an upgrade of computer hardware and software. But it's all in front, and the main thing now - at least for the Christmas holidays off the tablet screen, monitor, smartphone and feel that in this world there are many other pleasures. We have already experienced, and what we want you!

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