Then the Blessed One: Overview of Web services for delayed reading

mardi 22 janvier 2013

A typical situation - found an interesting article, do not have time to read it, close your browser, lost link. And you can just postpone found on the web for later, using convenient web services

Ask yourself: What's the last book you read, and how long has it been? Probably many will not be able to respond immediately to this seemingly simple question. Of course, can be a long debate on the subject of that book is now "out of favor" and that life was over faster, leaving no time for the ritual of reading during the holidays. But we're not going to look for reasons, and only talk about how to make reading text from the screen more comfortable. It's no secret that for many reading from the monitor - it is perhaps the only way to view the contents of books and magazines.
On the Internet you can find everything - knowledge, books, lessons, tips, and more. Search service, intelligently querying - and the answer to every question before you. However, if you have found the web information you need, not the fact that it will introduce a simple and easy task. May interfere with reading a lot of reasons - annoying ads, pop-up with a proposal to play next online game, badly chosen design web pages, dull text and so on. Well, when online you can at least open a printable version, devoid of unnecessary elements. But this convenience can not always meet. Besides quiet reading can prevent banal lack of time. You think, "then we'll see," and close the tab in your browser, forgetting to place the site in "Favorites" or just to remember his name. And you can be sure - in most cases the "Useful links" will be forever lost.
What to do then? How not to lose and found to focus on the really useful information? The answer is simple - you need to discover the web services for the pending read.
Relatively young service Readability offers several ways to use the deferred reading - with a special application for mobile devices, as well as with special additions that integrate with popular browsers.
Users registered in Readability, has at his disposal a tool to "clean" reading. At any time you can turn the web page content in the purified of dust content. A similar idea is to make the text more visible is not new - if you stretch the memory, you can recall many similar tools. For example, something like you might find in the browser Safari, when the illumination is indicated with the text of the main area. By the way, the engine will determine the main article in this browser used is the same as in the service Readability. However, in contrast to the read mode in the popular browser service Readability makes all the text in a kind of "print version". Other than that, the service has a number of handy features that you will not find in the browser from Apple.
After you install the browser button will appear in the interface service. As soon as the web will fall interesting information, simply click on the button and perform an instant convert Readability content. After processing, the text engine service will be displayed just the main text and illustrations.
If the article is broken down into a few pages, the service has to handle it all and combined into one. True, not all sites of service is possible. For example, for English resources like collect information from multiple pages works fine, but with our site Readability failed and the second page of the article did not see.
Comfortable in Readability invented and mechanism of "repair" of pages that incorrectly processed service. To be fair to say that this does not happen often. However, if Readability incorrectly displayed the article, this can inform developers, which is enough to press the button at the end of "purification" of the page.
Everyone has their own idea of ​​what it's best to read the text on the screen - large or small, light or dark. It depends on many factors - the type and size of the screen, the lighting and the features of the reader. If you do not like the paper and it can be adjusted. In the Control Panel settings Readability provides options to modify the converted article - you can specify font type and size, choose background, change the width of columns of text, and so on.
But it is - is not all that offers the service. Any page can be quickly put favorites Readability, in order to later review. Someone have a question: what is the point of service entered into the favorites, if you can save the link in the browser? First, the service makes the text easier to read, and secondly, favorites Readability saves you the problem of synchronization options on different platforms. Not having read the publication on a desktop home PC, you can do it, say, at work, with your tablet or smartphone.
On the user page is statistics publications, viewed with Readability. So, even if you do not put off an interesting reading material for later, he still does not disappear - it can be found in the archive of pages viewed, on a personal user page Readability.
The service also makes it easy to work with e-books. In particular, Readability support a device for reading books Kindle, allowing one-click import the contents of the article in a format compatible with the gadget. In addition, articles can be deferred one click to convert to ePub. Readability makes it possible to send the article (of course, even in processed form) by mail, as well as to share the link to it through Facebook or Twitter. For the convenience of sending links to this or that article to your friends (or even yourself), you can use your own instrument of service to shorten links
Sometimes the information of interest has already been found, but the fact that her master, takes time. When the deferred items is too much, you need to be in all of this somehow navigate. The creators of the service provided for this and gave the opportunity to use Readability tags. Each publication can be stored assign marks which then easily find interesting stuff.
Mobile applications for free Readability, functionality and design clients for iOS and Android are almost identical. You can edit the list items one by one or select more than one, add the most interesting material in the "Favorites" to switch between articles, without going to the main list. To read on a small screen as comfortable as possible, you can select one of the available fonts, adjust its size and theme maps (day or night).
ReadItLater was the first service to delayed reading. After the appearance of Instapaper, and later - Readability he lost part of users. However, after this spring ReadItLater was renamed Pocket and simultaneously updated with new features, it has become much more attractive for both old and new users. First, mobile applications for Android and iOS, which used to be paid, can now be installed on their devices and use for free.
Second, the revised list of content aside for reading. Using Pocket, you can find assets, as each is accompanied by a graphic sketch (you can switch to a text view).
In addition, the sort of content stored by the presence of video and images. For example, you can filter all the articles so that only those in which there is a video. Adding tags also provided - for them even easier to find the right materials.
It also allows searching by URL or title. Articles can be added to favorites, mark as read (in this case, they disappear from the main list).
A great bonus for users of Pocket - is that it is supported by hundreds of mobile applications. This means that you save the link to read can be deferred to the mobile clients Twitter, Flipboard, Pulse, and many others (a total of three hundred Bole applications). There is also a bookmarklet, but if you copy the link, then going to the application will be prompted to add it. When you add a link as soon as possible and to add tags to a list of stored materials.
For desktop users include plug-ins for Google Chrome and Firefox. Devotees can use Opera unofficial extension to Save Pocket . Finally, one more opportunity to add links - sending email with a link to the address To link has been added to your account, you need to send it from the box, which was used for registration.
Another popular service for deferred reading - this is Instapaper. Its developers have relied on a simple - design it is elementary, the web version is generally a normal list of articles and graphics without the sketches and even descriptions. It can mark articles as read (when they are transferred to the archive), and how to please (these publications are in the section Like). If you associate with an account Instapaper accounts on Twitter and Facebook, favorite articles will be available for friends. Stored materials can be sorted into folders.
On Instapaper can save the article in epub or mobi (for reading on the Kindle). You can select any number of items from the list, to generate a single file and copy it to the device for reading in his spare time. This can be useful, especially in cases where you have to be a long time without access to the Internet.
Mobile applications Instapaper paid and therefore, of course, are less attractive than those of Readability and Pocket. Official application for Android was released recently, and so far in terms of functionality, it is inferior version for iOS. However, in Google Play you can find a lot of clients to work with the service, which appeared even before the formal application. For example, attention should InstaFetch PRO , which allows you to view the article with images and use voice engine to read text aloud.
Both the official client for Instapaper allow articles to read stored in the offline mode, setting the appropriate font and line spacing, setting the fields, choosing the level of brightness and contrast. In the application for iOS is a handy feature page turning just tilt the device when not even need to touch the screen. But so necessary for such an application search function here is only available to subscribers. That is, pay for the application, search you do not get - it needs to additionally purchase a $ 1 per month.
As Pocket, service Instapaper integrated into many mobile applications, so adding items to the list of deferred reading works of a hundred mobile applications for iPhone and iPad. All the other usual methods of adding content here too there: send link by e-mail plug-ins for popular browser bookmarklets for use with Google Reader and more.
The fact of the service for deferred read the best, you can argue long. Yet easy to read - it is very individual, so the deciding factor for the choice of a service may be the presence of a particular font or theme that is pleasing to the eye. On the other hand, if you save a lot of articles are also important the batch to work with them, filtering, and search. If you compare the services in terms of functionality, the most attractive for today looks Readability, but it often have problems with Russian fonts, so you may read articles from your favorite websites, he will not do. Also, do not forget that the list of services for delayed reading is not limited to the three leaders - there is less known , Watchlater , designed to work with multimedia content, and many others.

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