As for the
projects at the knees or grant aid toad strangling on writing and using
your own proxy (requires money and time) - is the idea of replacing
the existing proxy anonymizers.
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The idea allows you to: read and write content and message on that site,
produce the authorization to set and execute scripts.
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The idea is as follows:
All documents connected through anonymizer - are working on the same domain.
Krossdomenny exchange by means of a frame frame1 to switch between tabs, in which there are two copies of the document from the current top.document. First, - the same address as the top.document, the other is located on a domain anonymizer.
Tabs with documents exchanged among themselves through As a result, through this frame is the domain of interaction with the documents and instruments at anonymizes domain top.document.
1. Installation script is one exchange, primarily located on the main document consists of three parts, working in relevant 'document-N'.
The necessary part of the analysis is triggered by a corresponding key "key" to the current address of the document.
Approx. For 'addr0', used in the frame addresses, if at top.document initial hash (# ...), - remove the hash;
2. Initially script puts frame frame0 address anonimaiser + addr0 + "#" + "key," + addr1,
addr0 - address of the current page, hash;
key - the key - a sign that is required to connect to and work required of the script to the appropriate document.
addr1 - the page you request;
3. Of the script running in the frame frame0 put inside frames: frame2 and frame1,
frame2 - placed first.
frame1 - is put to the primary address anonimaiser + addr0 + "#" + «key2»;
4. Document-2 in the frame frame1 switches to document-3 with an address addr0 + "#" + «key3»;
5. According to onload document-3 - start callback function on document-0 on the end of the installation frame.
- Important: After installing and running the possible addition of new addresses for simultaneous communication by simply adding in frame0 - «another frame - another address"
And the opportunity to organize a client switching compound exchange between these sites.
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Data exchange:

1. Exchange between documents: document-document-3 and 0 is better done through LocalStorage, - it is possible to continue the session "krossdomennogo-sharing" after -zakrytiya/otkrytiya/smeny tabs top.document.
2 Jumping tabs in frame: For the exchange, the tabs to document-document-2 and 3 are switched back and forth. Data exchange between the tabs with different domains in frame1 made through
3. Exchange between the two and document-document-4 is better done through a parental frame0 function preset. This function performs a preset for Windows document-4 to onload for dynamic change of address addr1, and also serves as the pacing at request with document-document-4 at 2 when the current tab of the document-3.
To speed up the loading of frames: (document-1, document-2, document-3), the script is set as close as possible to the top. In the presence of the current address of the above keys (key, key2, key3) at the end of the script, working on this document perform:
than cut the excessive content of the page in a frame.
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The idea allows you to: read and write content and message on that site,
produce the authorization to set and execute scripts.
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The idea is as follows:
All documents connected through anonymizer - are working on the same domain.
Krossdomenny exchange by means of a frame frame1 to switch between tabs, in which there are two copies of the document from the current top.document. First, - the same address as the top.document, the other is located on a domain anonymizer.
Tabs with documents exchanged among themselves through As a result, through this frame is the domain of interaction with the documents and instruments at anonymizes domain top.document.
1. Installation script is one exchange, primarily located on the main document consists of three parts, working in relevant 'document-N'.
The necessary part of the analysis is triggered by a corresponding key "key" to the current address of the document.
Approx. For 'addr0', used in the frame addresses, if at top.document initial hash (# ...), - remove the hash;
2. Initially script puts frame frame0 address anonimaiser + addr0 + "#" + "key," + addr1,
addr0 - address of the current page, hash;
key - the key - a sign that is required to connect to and work required of the script to the appropriate document.
addr1 - the page you request;
3. Of the script running in the frame frame0 put inside frames: frame2 and frame1,
frame2 - placed first.
frame1 - is put to the primary address anonimaiser + addr0 + "#" + «key2»;
4. Document-2 in the frame frame1 switches to document-3 with an address addr0 + "#" + «key3»;
5. According to onload document-3 - start callback function on document-0 on the end of the installation frame.
- Important: After installing and running the possible addition of new addresses for simultaneous communication by simply adding in frame0 - «another frame - another address"
And the opportunity to organize a client switching compound exchange between these sites.
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Data exchange:
1. Exchange between documents: document-document-3 and 0 is better done through LocalStorage, - it is possible to continue the session "krossdomennogo-sharing" after -zakrytiya/otkrytiya/smeny tabs top.document.
2 Jumping tabs in frame: For the exchange, the tabs to document-document-2 and 3 are switched back and forth. Data exchange between the tabs with different domains in frame1 made through
3. Exchange between the two and document-document-4 is better done through a parental frame0 function preset. This function performs a preset for Windows document-4 to onload for dynamic change of address addr1, and also serves as the pacing at request with document-document-4 at 2 when the current tab of the document-3.
To speed up the loading of frames: (document-1, document-2, document-3), the script is set as close as possible to the top. In the presence of the current address of the above keys (key, key2, key3) at the end of the script, working on this document perform:
, than cut the excessive content of the page in a frame.
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hmm ... what postMessage/XMLHttpRequest2/XDomainRequest canceled?
just do not understand why this is, and where it is used in any circumstances.
1. Establishes a connection with the resources assigned to them without scripts and Access-Control-Allow-Origin. (For example you can search for images in guglokartinkah
2. Clozhnokommutiruemy exchange for the client between multiple frames with random sites.
These sites may not have any special support for the exchange.
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